Sunday, January 13, 2013

Yup, that's a lot of running.

When I signed up for Umstead way back in September, seven months seemed like an eternity to train and plan and focus.  I've always run about 40 miles a week, so the beginning training actually seemed like less than I was accustomed to doing.  But I compulsively have been following the plan and suddenly it is mid January and the miles are piling on.  Since this 100 miler is having to coexist with parenting, work and other responsibilities, I sometimes have to tweak the training days.  In the past two weeks, I have done a 27 miler, two 20 milers, two fifteen milers, two days of 8 mile speed work, and a bonus 7 just because it was a great day to be outside.  As my kids like to point out, "that's a lot of running."  The crazy thing is that is has become normal to me.  When  my neighbors pass me in their cars on their way to work, and then pass me again some 6 hours later on their way home, I have to remind myself that what I am doing is really not "typical".  Its like the small piece of unfinished trim work on my kitchen floor - after a while, it just becomes a part of the house and we don't see it anymore.  But when company comes in, it is probably the first thing they notice.

Running this much, and by myself for much of the time, I have really learned to become comfortable with my own company.  I have learned that I am a bit of a snoop.  I love to see what people are doing as I run by - having a party for the Raven's game?  Taken those Christmas decorations down yet?  Finished that addition on the house?  No need for a GPS to get to the kids' friend's house, just ask mom - I am sure she has run by that street before. (I have)  Zoning meetings to approve new subdivisions?  Ask me, I can tell you when and where.  And on the trails?  Just watching the progression of the seasons and the very slight differences in the trees and flowers makes every run novel.  I am already looking forward to the bunches of daffodils that spring out of nowhere at one point on the trail near my house as I can imagine the home that must have been there long ago, and the family that lovingly planted the flowers!  Plenty to keep my mind occupied, that is for sure.  Yup, that's a lot of running, but it is also a lot of living.

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