Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Running Incognito

I knew when I started treatment with efudex I would have to hide out . While only slightly noticeable at first, my face did as predicted and lit up like a campfire within a week.  The next week was ghastly and this week is only slightly better.  And no, I am not exaggerating.  (Ask my family!)
16 days and counting since I have been out in public.  Well, I have been running, but only outside on very cloudy, rainy days and shrouded in a hat, sunglasses and plenty of sunblock.  Even when my kids have friends over, I hide so they won't have to explain my burnt and peeling face. (think full facial chemical peel...and people PAY $$ to do this????)  At least my kids are scared straight into forgoing the "baking at the beach" mentality that was pervasive while I was growing up.  Interestingly enough though, my doc isn't all that preachy.  He knows me well enough to not even suggest giving up on my outdoor activities.  And that is good, because I am not someone who wants to stay alive forever if that means I can't live fully while I am here.  I can't change what I did  as a teenager, but I can be careful now so I can continue to be out in the woods doing what I love to do (even if no one knows who is under all that gear!)

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