Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Green Drink

I have become a fan of "the green drink."
Well, not really, but I am trying.  I figure that along with all this logging miles and speed work and long runs (and longer runs), I should make an effort at really eating well.  I think I am a pretty healthy eater normally, but I am one of those people who has "go to" foods, and tend not to vary my diet very much.  I eat lots of fruits and veggies, but usually always the same ones - the "green drink" seemed like a good way to get some other produce in along with my favorites.  Once you get past drinking something so neon, it actually tastes pretty good.  You can't drink much, maybe 4 oz or so, but in it are cucumbers, celery, oranges, apples, pineapple, parsley, and spinach.  There are a bunch of variations around the web, but this works for me.  It packs a wallop, that's for sure, and if it keeps colds and the flu away while I am training, I'll keep downing it every morning!

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