Monday, January 28, 2013

What a Difference a Day Makes

Not sure exactly what this is attached to the stop sign, but I watched it bend and sway all morning on Saturday and decided to postpone the 25 miler for a day.

It looks pretty vertical in this picture, but it was bending and blowing until a truck came by and took it down Sunday morning.  I don't like to be at the mercy of the weather, but there are just some days that trying to fight the wind and ice hardly makes the painfully slow pace seem worth it.  Turns out that Sunday was a great day for a long run, and my pace/mile for 25 miles was faster than my last marathon, even with 3900 feet of elevation gain!  Yeah!  Now I am looking forward to a cut back week before I run the Mid-Maryland 50K on February 9th.  Hopefully these multiple weekends of 20+ miles will translate into a great run out on the trail!  Can't wait!!!

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