Friday, January 25, 2013

Ticking Them Off

Give me a schedule and I'll follow it - or at least do my very best.  Yesterday it was 22 degrees when I headed out for my 15 miler.  Surprisingly though, it didn't feel cold at all, and my biggest complaint was that instead of sucking my gel, I had to chew it.  (YUK).  At the end of every run, there is so much satisfaction in crossing off the day's workout and moving on to planning the next one.  My garmin keeps me honest, my schedule keeps me on track, and my coach, family, and friends keep me motivated.  There is not much for me to do but run (and obsess over details, but that will only get worse I am sure!)  The real test comes next week when I am forced to schedule the runs around my teaching schedule.  I have gotten spoiled by the long winter semester break, and now I may end up running at  more crazy hours to get in the miles.  The good news is that yesterday it wasn't fully dark until about 5:35, and each day stays lighter longer.  I know I will be running through the night in April, but it won't be 20 degrees (I hope) and there won't be the creepy factor of being out there alone.  (Seriously, am I the ONLY one training for a 100 miler through the winter???)  Oh well, I still have the weekends, and it looks like I will be heading off for another 25 miler tomorrow in sub freezing temps - but this time the gel will be cozy, warm and thawed inside my shirt!

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