Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Students in my curriculum class are responsible for writing two lesson plans during the semester.  These plans are pretty comprehensive and much more detailed than the plans they will actually write as teachers.  I do this so they can really see all that is inherently involved in planning, and more specifically, so they will be able to identify anything that might "derail" their lesson.They also have to create ideas that might get their plans back on track, or they have to figure out how to reinvent their plans so they still meet the objective.
This is a good lesson for me as I 'run' deeper into my 100 mile training.  I am pretty good about flexibility - I can tweak my training plan to accommodate schedule conflicts, family commitments, and all those good things.  Since I am on semester break, it doesn't bother me to run at any hour of any day to ensure I hit a particular workout goal.  Now, though, the runs are getting longer, and closer together, so wiggle room has become more of a challenge.  Add to that an unexpected treatment for "suspicious areas" on my face (check out efudex - pretty heavy stuff) and it is obvious that I need to come up with creative ways to check off my scheduled runs.  Since being in the sun is out, at least for now, I have to do early or late day runs, or reacquaint myself with the treadmill in the basement!  Not bad for speed work, but for a 20 miler or more?  Someone wrote that efudex is penance for all the years of being outside without sunblock but I look at it more as just another tough it out challenge that will better prepare me for running some 28 (hopefully) hours without sleep and dealing with what surely will be "discomfort"...okay, PAIN.  Luckily, by this weekend, I will be able to wear sunblock and a hat - good since it will be nearly 60 degrees and I will be out there for 6+ hours.  This train may go off track, but NOTHING will stop it from getting to the destination!

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