Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Yup, that is EXACTLY what I said on Saturday when I woke through the night with a sore knee....Well, it wasn't EXACTLY what I said, but you get the idea.  I had an amazingly good run on Wednesday, and then decided to do the 20 miler on Friday since I knew I would be working at the Book Fair all day on Saturday.  And to further simulate a "tired" run, I worked until mid afternoon Friday and didn't leave for my 20 until 3 p.m.  That would be good though-  it would force me to run after being on my feet for hours and then I would even get the chance to run for a bit in the dark (well, dusk).  It turned out to be a good run.  I was tired, and got cold toward the end, but I felt strong, and even burst through the door shouting "I just knocked off another 20 miler" to no one in particular.
But through the night, I knew my knee was not happy.

I iced it and even wore compression socks to work at the Book Fair on Saturday.  It was a long day, and I was busy and running around from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.  It was easy to ignore the ache in my knee, but I sure felt it when I got home.  More ice, some advil, elevation, all that good stuff.
Sunday, when it wasn't magically better, I enlisted the advice of Coach to put things in perspective.  After discussing all the symptoms, we diagnosed it to be overuse.  Along with ice, and advil, I have now added REST to my regime.  Yes, rest.  Less than 5 weeks before I attempt to do a 100 mile run, and I can't run, at least not for now.
Luckily though, (if there is anything "lucky" about this), I have time to heal, and pick up with my schedule, which no doubt will be modified!!   And while I am feeling much better everyday, you can bet I am heeding Coach's wisdom and his threat to abdicate his role of "Coach" if I run before the all clear.  I knew this journey would be full of challenges.  I am up for the challenges, I just hope my knee is on board as well!

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