Friday, March 22, 2013

Cautious...But Hopeful!

After three weeks of a modified schedule, I have actually nailed it this week - of course, so far, that has only consisted of one 6 mile run...but that felt so good!!!
 I knew I was healing, both mentally and physically, but that run did more for my confidence than any words the doctor could have spoken.  And when I did finally see the doc, he had more good news...nothing joint related, nothing sprained, strained, or torn.  My MRI did show a very small tear of the meniscus, but he was quick to point out that if 100 random people at the grocery store had MRIs, at least 40% of the "over 40 population" would have similar tears.  (And I am well past that age!)
Great article here:
He was not concerned.  My tear could have become angry at all the miles I was piling on, and that could have been the reason for the strange twinges I was getting.  (I love that we both refer to my knee as if it has it's own mind, which I guess it kind of does...)
Anyway, he gave me the news I wanted..."Go ahead and run if it feels okay, you will know when it is time to stop."  And seeing how each day it feels more and more "normal", I guess that is what I will do.  I have only one more thing on my schedule, and that is the HAT 50K.  I intend to go, listen to my knee, and test the waters.  If I make it to the end, that will be the icing on the cake to make Umstead a reality. If I have to bail early, that is still okay, because I will have "done nothing stupid."  And with two additional rest weeks, I am feeling pretty optimistic that, despite the detour, I will get to where I want to be.

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ― Thomas A. Edison

1 comment:

  1. Woot! Glad to hear your knee is in a better mood. My husband tore his meniscus years ago. Even though it bothered him off and on, he didn't have to have surgery to get it cleaned up until about 12 years later.
