Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day By Day

Yes, its true, I really DO feel like this.  I have gone back and forth over the last week and a half, wondering what I have gotten myself into, wondering how could I possibly have developed an unexplained knee pain just 5 weeks out, and most of all, wondering if I am even nearly trained enough to finish a 100 mile run.  

To that last question, I don't know if anyone ever feels that they have trained enough.  But the good news is that after one week of no running, I was able to do a 4 and then a 6 miler pain free.  The bad news is that my knee just isn't quite right.  That led me to an orthopedic sports doc, which then led me to an x-ray, which led me to an MRI, which leads me to now.  Anyone who runs knows this drill...and the search for the answer we all want..."Yes, you have (fill in the blank here)  but YES!  You can still run!" Cue the Hallelujah chorus!  I may or may not get that answer, but I haven't resigned myself to the fact that my long journey to Umstead might have to end a short three weeks before the race.   Through all the training miles, the snow, ice, wind, mud, stomach aches, face treatments, cold, cold and more cold, I never thought I would get so close to only be so far away from my goal.  But for now, I am still holding on, and desperately hoping that my MRI is clear and I  can finish what I started.

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