Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New York, New York

I had a feeling that after two years of mild temps and minimal snow, we were in for a wicked one this year...I guess I just hadn't predicted how wicked.
I can't say "wicked" without remembering this show

It has been brutal - and we haven't even had the worst of it.  I sure hope no one in Chicago or Minnesota is trying to train for Umstead!  I frontloaded my workouts last week to get in as much mileage as possible before the weekend since I knew I would be in New York Friday through Monday.  Of course my plan was to also run there, but I was skeptical I could drag myself out on the streets of Brooklyn when it was 3 degrees.  There was a gym with a treadmill, but, well, whatever, it just didn't happen.  Instead, I kept running up to the roof to take pictures like this:

 and this...

Plus, there was a lot of subway hopping and walking involved that maybe made up for the Junior's Cheesecake and other goodies.

 Anyway, it was a fun weekend and a great break from training.  I was slightly uncomfortable with our show choice, but I am sure glad I saw it before we took our 16 year old daughter!  Now that would have been awkward - and as a side note, I won't be watching South Park with her either.

I know I was suppose to get in yet another long run, but I am saving that for Thursday, when it might even get to 30 outside.  Honestly, I have no problem running when it is cold, but it sure seems that is all I ever do anymore.  I don't think I had tights on but maybe two or three times in the last two years, and this year, my shorts are so far down in my workout drawer that I couldn't even tell you what they look like.   I certainly should be prepared for any crazy weather that Umstead throws at me, that is for sure.  So long as it doesn't end up being the hottest April in history, I think I am okay.  Next up, Mid Maryland 50K.  I am stocking up on Hot Hands now.

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