Thursday, January 2, 2014

Decisions, Decisions

More snow.  Great. 
One of the biggest unknowns in ultra running is the weather.  No matter how much you train, how prepared you are, there are some things that are just out of your control.  My first big race of 2014 is suppose to happen on Saturday: Phunt 50K.  When I signed up, I knew the weather was a wild card, but hey, I have had pretty good luck so far with getting the runs in, and (full disclosure here) I am a much better cold weather runner than a heat runner.  I can peel layers off and put them on as I go, and am not really bothered by temps below freezing.  BUT, I have yet to run longer than 10-12 miles in real snow, especially on trails.  Add to that the single digit temps that are predicted and I am beginning to rethink taking myself 2+ hours away for this race. 
Somehow this just doesn't seem fun.
Unfortunately, the alternatives are  1) to run some 30 miles around the local neighborhoods and trails, or 2) to run 30 miles on my treadmill.  I have actually run 22+ miles on the treadmill, but I think the extra 8 might just put me over the edge.

britney crazy is not a good look

Still not sure what to do...haven't made a final decision. But as I look out the window and watch the snow come down (and down, and down, and down), I can't help but think about getting lost on the trail somewhere in Elkton and having to finally put all those hours of watching "Duel Survivor" to good use.

Don't worry, I'll keep you posted!

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