Thursday, March 12, 2015

Third Time's the Charm

Two weeks from today I will have finished my frantic packing and will hopefully be cruising towards North Carolina.  Wow.  What a difference a year makes.  Last year Umstead was my primary focus, my goal, my point of light.

This year, its more like "wait, what?" It is mid March and I still have a Christmas wreath on my door and snowmen decorating my kitchen.  My spare time is taken up with grading papers and running, and sometimes I even combine the two and grade on my treadmill.

But it is really okay because despite my lack of sleep, my running has been pretty consistent, and I even have cut some time in the past year.  I am banking on the fact that not only have I been training to run, but I certainly have aced going without sleep for 24 hours at a time.  After last year's fiasco with my feet, I went online and purchased the book "Fixing Your Feet" and read the chapters on blister prevention.  It was okay until the chapter with 142 remedies for blisters.  Really I was just looking for one remedy, two tops, because I am not good at making decisions (as I have established numerous times on this blog), so trying to figure out which would work best was pretty mind numbing.  I decided to go with lube, duct tape, and safety pins. Pop it and plug it...that's my strategy.

I am so very lucky to have my same posse from last year all agreeing to crew me again.  These ladies are so knowledgeable about running a 100 that I'm convinced they will get me across the finish line.   I really missed running with them through the night last year so that is what is going to keep me going as the sun goes down.

yeah, we will be that fast!

All in all, I am ready.  I have one last long run and then I'm off, and hoping the third time is really the charm.

But whatever the outcome, I am much more relaxed and that might even work in my benefit!

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