Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Status Report

So far, I am doing pretty well on my summer goals.  I managed to get my personal e-mail down to 17 before it crept up again and is hovering at 33.  That is a manageable number that I can deal with.  The work e-mail, well, lets just say that will take a lot more time and a lot more discipline.  WHY do I get so much mail???

I have unsubscribed from about every professional posting site and still, it barely made a dent.  Oh well, I still have until August 15th before I consider it a miserable fail.
And as for the running goal, I am pretty pumped that I did a crazy hard  6 mile hill run on Sunday without walking one single time!  That might not be so impressive for you elites, but my asthma has been a bear since May, and there were even a few times I was worried I would die right there on the road.

Luckily, my doc has no trouble prescribing multiple drugs that work wonders.  And while I really hate taking medication, I hate dying more, so I am okay with it.

And on the subject of drugs, we only have two more challenge runs to complete the Elementary School Challenge, so my running group has decided to jump the gun and start another challenge tonight that involves starting and finishing our runs at local pubs.  And while I don't drink, these challenges are so good for me, because I really am a solitary person who could easily go days without seeing another soul.  And don't even get me started on phone calls. 

I guess that is why I love the trail so much.  But I know I have to make more of an effort, so these challenge runs force me to get out and be social.  Its a struggle, but I do it!  And hopefully, the more I step outside of my comfort zone, the more I will  be able to feel "normal" and actually start a conversation.  Oh great, another goal for the summer!

me at every party I have ever attended

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