Monday, July 21, 2014

A Legend in My Own Mind

Articles have been written highlighting the differences between trail runners and road runners, and I don't want to contribute to that in any way...however, how do you think the vast majority of roadies would have handled this scene 15 minutes before their race was suppose to start?

Yes, this is indeed a line for registration

Now imagine the race director casually informing the runners that the race would start at 7:30, rather than 7 to give everyone a chance to start together?

I'm just could happen
Well, here is actually what did happen Saturday when I ran the summer edition of the Rosaryville 50K: nothing!  The trail runners after hearing of the delayed start, all casually either walked to their car to sit and relax, took off for the bushes for one last nature call, or milled around, happily talking with other runners.  It was so cool.

This race had many different options, ranging from a 10K to the full 50K, and it also allowed runners to drop down to a lesser distance at any time through the race, since it was a loop course.  So long as you told the volunteers you changed your distance, it was all good.  I think the RD said there were 130 registered for the 50K, and about 93 finished, so most did what they came to do, although there was some shuffling around.  That is always a risk when you pass close to the finish multiple times.  But for the folks that toughed out the full 50k, it was a beautiful day for a run.  The temps took a tumble in the days leading up to the race, but the humidity was still high enough to make everyone look like they ran through the sprinkler (hmm, that actually would have been nice!)

I never doubted or questioned that I would finish the 50, just kept plugging away.  By the third time around the 10 mile loop, I still hadn't figured out the weird trail decorations that have become so popular lately.  This is one such decoration:

This is an old picture, and now the baby head has been dressed as a jack-o-lantern and Santa is keeping it company.  You can make out a little in the picture below, but remember, I had already run something like 25 miles, so my camera skills are pretty pathetic:

Anyway, it never ceases to amaze me and also to entertain me with what is to be found on the trail.  I feel like I need to start carrying random things in my pack to leave at places like this, in case it is a geo-caching site or something!
I did put my speed training to good use and ran a smart race - I would always like to go faster, but I spent most of the 31 miles running rather than doing a lot of walking.  Considering I am not a good hot weather runner, and this race was dead smack in the middle of July, I am happy with the results.  Pretty certain I will never see my name and "first in age group" again (even if I was the only one in my age group! HA!) Still counts, right?

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