Thursday, February 7, 2013

They Told Me There'd Be Days Like These

When I sat down last weekend to write the latest post, I felt like this...

...a little tired, but euphoric because lately, each run has been better, faster, stronger than the one before.  I was smugly feeling a little invincible thinking every day would just keep getting better.  Somehow, I never finished writing though, and in the meantime, the Ravens WON the Super Bowl, (Hooray!) I am back to teaching, and yesterday my run was not stronger, not faster and definitely not better!  Today I feel more like this:
I am figuring out where my tipping point is, and it seems to be that long 15 miler after two days of faster, speedy runs.  Saturday I clicked off 15 miles in my fastest time yet, then followed with 8 and 6, also at a good clip.  So come Wednesday, when I set off for another 15, again in the cold and wind, I knew I was in for a battle.  I plowed ahead though, and now I have two glorious days of rest before the Mid-Maryland 50K on Saturday.   By then, I know I will be sufficiently rested for a play day in the (snowy?) woods!                                  

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