Friday, May 30, 2014

Running the Numbers

Every December I spend some time with my running calendar, looking over the past year.  Nothing extraordinary about that - in fact, I am sure most runners do something similar.  Or did something similar until they discovered Strava, GarminVivo, Map My Run or DailyMile.  I was late getting on board with the technology thing, but I will tell you, I am really starting to like the weekly pep talks I get from DM, my new best e-friend.

Reading  "awesome training this week!" or "great running week!" gives me purpose and just the dose of enthusiasm I need to get out there.   And instead of having to dig out my calculator on a snowy pre-January 1st weekend, I now rely on my app to figure it all out.  See, who needs Common Core Math anyway!

What this is all telling me is that I am running.  A lot.  I am nearly to my goal of 1000 miles by June 30th.  For the past few years, I have wanted to run 2000 miles in one year.  But not by being all freaky and PLANNING to do it.  I just wanted it to happen.

So every December I tally and see if I made it.  Then I wring my hands when I see I am 134 miles off, 79 miles off, or 26 miles off.  I do realize that if I counted earlier than December 31, I could actually go out and run the remaining miles (okay, maybe not the 134) but it doesn't seem as much fun that way. Its the mystique of not knowing that makes it a challenge.

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