Tuesday, April 29, 2014

There is Life After Umstead

I guess it is good for me that I have the attention span of a two year old. Or a rat. The source of my misery is usually easily replaced by something else fairly quickly.

Such was the case this past weekend when I repacked almost everything I had just unpacked, and headed off to the American Odyssey Relay.   I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to do the relay, but I am pretty sure I thought I would still be riding the happy train of success from my first 100 miler.  And of course, anything after that distance seemed doable.  Not only did I eagerly sign up, but I also volunteered to run the hardest leg 6, seven miles with an elevation gain of over 1000 feet in the last 3 miles.  Whatever, I was invincible, right????

who put that there?
After the wheels fell off at Umstead, I was in somewhat of a funk, questioning my existence, the meaning of life, and all that other stuff that comes with planning and waiting, and goal setting and failing. 

I was even doubting myself running the relay, even though my total mileage would only be ~20 miles, less than half of what I was able to run just three weeks before.  But my feet were torn up,  I was still nursing a sore ankle, and while I had met my team mates at organizational meetings and challenge runs, I didn't know anyone very well.  I was unsettled, hesitant, and full disclosure, more than a little nervous.

But then something funny happened the minute I got in Van #1.  I immediately felt like I had known everyone for a very long time.  They welcomed me, encouraged me, and made me feel like an important part of their team.  I was one of the "cool kids" and I ended up having a blast.  I laughed so hard that two days later I still have sore stomach muscles from the shenanigans that went on in that van and during the 33+ hours that we spent together.  

So to all the ERR folks, you are a pretty special group of people.  I am sorry I didn't get to know you sooner, but I suspect that I will be running with you again!

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