Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ever Hear of MIDOL??

Freakishly weird...a gorgeous day on Saturday for the HAT run, and now this:

Not enough to shovel, but again???
And today it is a balmy 35 degrees with crazy wind and it is MARCH 26th.  At this point I can only hope that for Umstead, good old Mother Nature doesn't slam me with a mixed up version of what she has been providing all winter and mistakenly send snow the weekend I run 100 miles.
Maybe this is Mother Nature's problem....
 Whatever, I intend to pack my car with everything I can possibly need for all four seasons and give my crew some long distance training as they run back and forth to my car.  Luckily, with 7 trips through the start somewhat near the parking area, that might be really what they have to do.

If the weather was somewhat more predictable, I might feel more confident in my packing skills, but the worse thing imaginable would be making my way through dark woods at 3:00 a.m. and being freezing cold.  Or roasting hot.  Both could happen.  So I will keep checking the 10 day forecast and adding things to my bags.  Or taking things out.  Maybe I am the one who needs medication!

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