Thursday, September 10, 2015

Big Schloss or Bust

So this is what I am doing this weekend...

The big Schloss.  I haven't run a successful 50K since May and I am more than a little nervous that it won't go well, but I am also more determined that it will.  At least that is what I told myself all this weekend as I ran 38 miles of trails to cram for this event. 

can you say "unprepared"

Its not like I haven't been training.  I ran the A-10 last weekend, and for the first time in 11 years, did not spend the afternoon dying on the couch.  It was hot, but I ran it like a trail race, nice and calm, and while my time was pretty abysmal, I felt terrific afterwards.   This road race is historically the day before my kids start school, and since I usually wait until Sunday afternoon before the first day to get school supplies, I end up at Staples looking like a dehydrated zombie.

But I actually felt pretty good after, and since I had gotten to the start at 3:30 am, I had a prime parking spot and got out of there zip quick.   A stealth change in the car and I was perky enough to stop at IKEA on my way home AND I even built the storage organizer I bought.  Now that was an endurance event.

I only want to finish Big Schloss.  No lofty time goals or PRs.   Just get me to the end to restore my confidence and I'll be a happy camper.  I mean, its only a 31 mile mountain run. What could possibly go wrong?