Thursday, December 27, 2012

If Your Dreams Don't Scare You, They Aren't Big Enough

Mine must be plenty big, because I am scared sh**less!  This journey to 100 miles was actually started in September when I successfully entered the Umstead 100 miler.
 Well, I didn't do anything, but three members of my family all sat poised at the computer at exactly 12 noon to apply.  I was running the VHTRC Women's Half Marathon at that moment, and without a proxy me , there was no way to get in.  But one of the three had success in a race that sold out in seconds, so that was my first sign that it was meant to be!   Now, its late December and I am in full training mode, thanks to my fearless and knowledgeable Coach and tons of support from family and friends.  My training plan is taped to the refrigerator and I religiously follow the workouts, forcing myself to develop a taste for gu's, and ensure and gatorade recovery drink.  I run when it is windy, snowy, rainy, hot, cold, day and night.  As the training ramps up, this blog will tell the story of my First 100 miler!